When I had a club membership (long story there) I used to get up and be at the gym between 4:30 and 5 a.m. (sometimes earlier). For me, it was partly embarrassment for being so out of shape (and I don't mean, oh I went from a Size 2 to a Size 4 out-of-shape:)). I must say, I was really surprised, but the morning workout DID energize me for the whole day. I'd get a little draggy about lunch time on occasion (if there had been a really long day the day before or something), so I made sure to eat a high energy lunch and would be good to go until that night.
Also--by going early you will probably find you have your pick of machines (instead of having to wait) and have a more effective workout (since you don't have long breaks between types of workouts).
Okay--so now this has motivated ME to get back "in the saddle" myself. I think I'll start it again tomorrow! :)
Good luck!