Hi M. - isnt it the worst when our little ones are sick?? Cough and cold medications are no longer recommended for young children but a dose of ibuprofen will relieve alot of what is ailing her. It will help with fever and the inflammation in her throat and for headache and body aches. You can repeat the dose after 6 hours.
You can try some honey for her throat and to ease a cough - since she is 2, she is old enough. I usually mix it with some apple juice and warm water since my kids didnt like it plain. A humidifier in her room at night will also help as will steaming her up in the bathroom. (just make sure to wrap her well when you come out so she doesnt get a chill)
I would avoid the Neil Med sinus rinse or neti pot for now because it can put undue pressure on her ears if they are congested too. Some ocean nasal spray will help thin secretions just fine.
If her symptoms worsen, she has labored breathing or spikes a fever, be sure to give your doc a call right away.
I hope that she feels better soon!