Home Interiors

Updated on June 17, 2008
A.B. asks from Plano, TX
5 answers

Does anyone know of a Home Interiors Rep?

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answers from Dallas on

Janet Brown McNeil her cell # ###-###-####.

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answers from Dallas on

I am a Interior designer. Currently I design churches, however I work in the residential field as well. Let me know if you need any assistance.

Thank you,

L. Fletcher

1 mom found this helpful


answers from Dallas on

hmmm...are you wanting someone to help you decorate your home or office? If so, Michael Perkins. He's talented, great at what he does and is so personable. You'll really like him. ###-###-#### or ____@____.com

1 mom found this helpful


answers from Dallas on

Hi there!

I know a bunch (I was a rep but am in Germany till the end of the week, been here a year). =) But all my contacts were on the Fort Worth side of the metroplex. Will be happy to put you in contact with them if you'd like. Or you can search for Pat Anderson in Fort Worth in the consulant search and she will pop up. (let her know I sent yah!) ;o]

But if you want to get someone in your area you can go to the home interiors web site and do a search by zip code.

Their website is www.homeinteriors.com and a direct link to the consultant search is: http://www.homeinteriors.com/corporate/FindConsultant

If you have any questions feel free to ask me =)

I hope to get back to the business (love the discount and benefits of course, doing the shows and making a little money to support my habit is a bonus - hehehe) when we get back to the States and settled; mainly to redecorate my own home. LOL...

Good luck on finding your consultant!
R. T.

PS - my direct email is ____@____.com in case you had any questions - happy to answer anything or help in any way I can. Sometimes advice is all we need, right?! =)



answers from Dallas on

Are you wanting to purchase Home Interiors products, or become a Displayer? As of two or three months ago, HI filed for bankruptcy. They're slowly closing the business down.

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