Dr. Mason, who works out of St. John's on Moross in Detroit is great! I had a really great experience with him when I had cholestasis of pregnancy, which is VERY rare! He knew exactly what to do. I was very pleased. Good luck and God Bless!
I am looking for recommendations for a high risk OB, preferably someone that has experience with HELLP syndrome. I have a 1 1/2 and 2 1/2 year old and had HELLP syndrome with both. I would really love to get pregnant with another child in about a year, but I am still currently having small issues with blood pressure. And, I would like to talk with an OB that could tell me if and what the risks could be for me and how they would work with me through the pregnancy. I really want someone that is extremely educated and experienced with the complications that pregnancy can cause to the body; basically someone that is really in tune with women's health all together and not just dealing with normal pregnancies and delivery.
Dr. Mason, who works out of St. John's on Moross in Detroit is great! I had a really great experience with him when I had cholestasis of pregnancy, which is VERY rare! He knew exactly what to do. I was very pleased. Good luck and God Bless!
I have to recomend Dr. Mason as well! He delivered my first son and will be delivering my second son next week! I am diabetic (since I was 8), and at 36weeks with my first pregnancy developed pre-eclampsia and HELLP. He delivered my son and everything went great!! We will be delivering our second next week (at 37 weeks) to avoid any complications. I totally trust Dr. Mason and have only heard great things from others about him! We live 45 mins. from the office/ hospital, but it is totally worth the drive to us!
I am not sure the name but in Professional building one at St.John Detroit (Moross) suite 320 they have high risk OB's. I had to go when they thought they saw something strange on my ultrasound but it turned out just fine. I know a couple people who have been and they loved the staff. I would call the main # and ask to be connected to suite 320 - PB1, good luck!
I went to the MFM group out of Beaumont Royal Oak, Dr. Lorenz is still the head I believe. He is great.
I've also heard good things about the doc out of St. John's too.
I don't think there are that many in the city, so you're choices may be few!
Good luck.
My freind really liked Dr. Mason.. he works out of ST john.
she was over 40 diabetic and had a kidney transplant..so she was definately high risk..