I am also 4 months pregnant and having the same problem. My doctor recommended I wear more supportive shoes (no flip flops), stay off my feet as much as possible and avoid too much lifting. I have a 2-year-old so the lifting is sometimes hard to avoid but I've noticed that when I stay off my feet more it bothers me less at night. My doctor also recommended pregnancy massage (just a temporary fix but it'll feel better short-term) and pre-natal yoga. I have been sleeping with a pregnancy pillow, which helps me sleep without pain and I wake up feeling better. My doctor never mentioned a chiropractor it sounds like a lot of other people had success with that. She did say physical therapy is an option but it probably wouldn't help much. She also mentioned wearing a supportive maternity belt or tank top. I'm going to get one this week and try it. I'll let you know if it helps. Please let me know if you find anything that works!