I feel like it is more a battle of wills....
So why are you battling?
What is the worst thing that will happen if she goes diaperless?
What is the worst thing that will happen if you wait until she is really ready to WANT to go in the potty?
What are you really worried about? Is it worth worrying over?
What is your inner wise mamma saying to you right now?
Who is it important to that she goes in the potty every time now, or even at all right now? Why is it important?
How would you feel in your body if you continue to encourage when she goes, and just clean up the messes when she doesn't?
How would you feel if just let her wait?
What is she really needing to do? Listen to her too.
When we take the time to respond to our children (or anyone really), with compassion, love, and humor, we usually know the best thing to do. And believe me, I KNOW how extremely difficult this can be sometimes. Sit down. Breathe in. Breathe out. Now just listen....what do you know now?
Much good energy to you for many Blessed days.
In peace,
mom of 4, Birth and Parenting Mentor