HI A.,
Sorry to hear you're still not feeling well. Rest, plenty of fluids, vitamin C, vitamin D, Grapefruit Seed Extract(GSE), remove all added sugars and processed foods from your diet. This is all helpful to aid the body in healing itself. Chiropractic adjustments can help to eliminate any interference and further aid your body to heal on it's own. As I told you before, this is safe for pregnancy and can help baby get into optimal positioning for birth. Nasal irrigation with the neti pot can be helpful too and provide some relief. By allowing your body to work through this infection on it's own, you are building antibodies and making your body stronger.
As for your prenatal visits, this sounds very typical of maternity care in the US. It's not just common within Army hospitals but civilian hospitals as well.
Remember YOU are a consumer seeking a service....If you're not satisfied with that service then look elsewhere. YOU are in charge of your maternity care. Don't just settle for the Army hospital because of convenience. You'll have a more satisfying birth experience if you choose a provider that takes time for YOU! You have options, regardless of how far along you are. It's your birth and if you're not happy now, what makes you think your provider will listen to or take time for you when your baby is born? Are you okay with that?
You have choices:
* Seek services off post.
* Read Henci Goer's "The Thinking Woman's Guide to a Better Birth".
* Watch the documentaries, "Business of Being Born" by Ricki Lake and Abbey Epstein or "Pregnant In America"
* Educate yourself about everything pregnancy and birth related so you can make informed decisions.
* Remember YOU are in charge....not your provider.
* If you're seeking more for your prenatal care, explore the midwifery model vs the medical model of care. This site has a detailed comparision of the two. http://www.morningstarbirth.com/index.cfm?event=pageview&...
* Hire a doula. If you're not familiar with doulas, they are trained/certified birth assistants. They educate and support women during pregnancy, birth, and post-partum. Most doulas work independently so their services tend to vary. If you'd like more information on doulas, feel free to email me.
Hope you find some relief soon.