I have one finishing kindergarten now and one starting in the fall. It is so hard to make those kinds of calls. My older son is just starting to read now and sounding out the letters has been a chore. My younger son is already reading some words on his own without any help. Kids abilities are so varied at this age and then everyone makes you worry that you aren't doing enough for the children to be ready for school.
For my older one we did all sorts of stuff to get ready and I am not convinced any of it helped him very much.
It sounds like your daughter is farther ahead than my son was last fall and that is good news. If she has a hard time with separation or being in a group, I might be inclined to work on that more than the academics. If she was ok in group stuff in preschool, then I would concentrate on having a great summer. Sidewalk chalk for the letters is great. It gives the letters texture and it's easier for them to remember how it felt to write the letters then. Shaving cream letters in the bathtub or on the kitchen table is one that my kindergarten teacher recommends a lot. Just plop the shaving cream down and have her write her letters and numbers in that. I've heard sand is good too.
They are little for such a short period of time and if your not careful you miss all the wonderful things they do and learn. I feel like I worried constantly from last spring until now and was too stressed to enjoy my kids. I'm going to try and not let that happen this summer. Good luck to you!