I feel your pain my son had acid reflux really bad, we started to notice this at about 2 weeks old and the doctor's didn't label it reflux until between 6-8 weeks old. My son never spit up all that much but the term "silent" is new to me but it sounds like him! I was told to have him sleep in his car seat, inside of his crib. That elevation did wonders and I wasn't able to lay him flat until he was 5-6 months old. Zantac did nothing, I agree. I liked prevacid but it's very weight sensitive. My son gained weight like crazy so I was asking for a higher dose every 2-3 weeks it felt like. Then he'd be better for awhile. It sounds like you are doing everything right, this phase will pass. My son was off all meds at 9 months. He is lactose intolerant and drinks soy but reflux is a thing of the past. Most kids outgrow it. Once your son starts to sit upright or roll over in the crib things get a lot better! For now wear him in a front carrier during the day if you want to get anything done. Car seat or swing to sleep, just make sure all the belts are buckled. I never let my son sleep in the swing at night, if I did I think I'd feel safer if the swing was in our room. Our doctor said it was okay, though. Other than that, I'd switch to soy based formula or Enfamil Gentlease. Start solid foods early, around 4 months when you get the okay. Solid food will help keep his acid down where it belongs. Good luck!