Always have someplace safe and out of reach to set the newborn - like a bassinet, a baby swing (in a room behind a babygate) or a bouncy seat set out of reach (kitchen table or bed)..... babygates have saved my sanity!
lining up for diaper changes - and meals - pre-cook ANYTHING you can in the evenings. On Sunday evenings I boil pasta, brown ground beef and cook a pot of white rice. All of these items keep for several days, and all of these items are very functional in meals. I can quickly whip up spaghetti, gumbo, tacos, nachos or even just mix the rice and meat together with some sauce and bam - a nice, hot lunch and no more pb&j!!! .....this also keeps my kitchen from getting filthy EVERY SINGLE DAY.
bathe them together age appropriately and set up a meal calendar, a bath schedule and a bed time schedule... that way you can always look at the clock and know where to jump in....
And set up a "No-No" Spot. I have a bench. We call it the No-No bench. It is my best friend.
Best of luck! You'll make it!!