If you are struggling with the cost of being in a group plan with your hubby. You may wish to consider finding a place to work part time that offers health insurance. This would help not only with a full insurance coverage but also prevent $$ troubles down the road and keep you mostly a stay at home Mom and give hubby quality time with your child and give you an outside break. Alot of big box retailers offer the health insurance to part time after a grace period of 30-90 days. This would include your maternity coverage and give you a secondary back up should hubby become unemployed in this uncertain economy. I understand the passion to be soley an at home Mom but you also need the security of financial stability. The cost for catastrophic health insurance is alot along with the risk of outlaying extra for maternity benefits, plus right now if you are uninsured and make just a little to much money for state care right now the cost of one ER visit for something as simple as 7 stitches would be topping 1200.00 for one time. Get strep throat or uti and go to a regular doc they will want it upfront about 120.00-150.00. If you were to get pregnant and have a normal pregnancy about 7k. If you have complications and need alot of interventions and the baby does too then you are looking at minimun 30k-300k. So how much is his health insurance to get onto, call a local insurance agent like state farm or allstate or country companies and then bc/bs and also get quotes w and without maternity coverage. Then you will have real numbers to work with. By the way ususally retail employers have a discount for their merchandise if you work for them as well.