The only way to solve this is to cure your financial situation. If money is so very tight that you can't take care of the basics of health and dental then it is time to fix this. It is not about whether or not your husband is a good provider or not it is about making sure what is currently wrong doesn't get worse and cost you even more money. If he is not willing to sit down and figure out a plan of attack, and also care for his health then you need to do this for yourself as you will need be healthy enough to earn a living when his healh craps out. You need to call around to dental schools and find out when they have a clinic for either free or cut rate or you may qualify for a county type dental clinic if money is an issue. Also you may wish to take a look at your household budget and figure out one for groceries, utilities, necessaries like a phone but having cable and internet are not necessities, magazines, newspaper subscriptions, soda, coffee drinks. Figure out if you are losing money somewhere and pair back. If there is still not a resolution to money issues then even if you have kids you will both need to work and work a job that offers health and dental, while it may not be immediate it will then put you on a better track financially. The other thing your husband is an adult, he is responsible to take care of his health as a good provider to ensure he doesn't fail and have to stay home ill or get hospitalized because a tooth problem went systemic and he is laid up for a much longer time then he would have and possibly cause other health problems.
You may wish to have him read the responses to your question as sometimes hearing advice from others who are not emotionally invested in a situation will hit home or at least give both of you things to think about.
Good luck and good health.