When I found out I was pregnant with my first son I was thrilled, he was born in May 2005 and I was so overjoyed with having a child, then four months later I found out I was pregnant again and I cried for two reasons. The first because I was blessed to be having another child and the second reason because I was still learning stuff about the first and was not sure if I was ready to have another.
The day I found out I was having another boy I was so relieved, to know that my boys would be so close in age and that I didn't have to go out and buy anything different, I had all the clothes still (I know a little selfish). At times I was worried about them being so close in age but after having my second little guy and seeing them together all my worries disappeared. They are 55 weeks apart to the day and to tell you the truth I am so glad I didn't wait, at first my oldest didn't really acknowledge his brother but as time passed he is so great with him and he helps out so much. He is at the age now where he sits down and pats his lap because he wants brother to sit there, my little guy is now crawling and though at times he gets upset that he can't walk like his older brother they have so much playing. Don't get me wrong there are jealous times, but to know that they will grow up with this great bond makes me so happy.
Yes at times it is rough for me, because they will both be crying and you are not sure what is wrong but I sit back and know that it will all be over before I know it and to enjoy them while they are young. You will be fine and just remember you are not alone, just think of those mothers who have two or more at the same time, if they can do it so can all of us!! Have fun!!