Hi N.! This happened to me almost 5 years ago with my healthy, now 4 year old daughter. I had been bleeding for 2 weeks when I called my doctor because my menstrual cycle is always 7 days and they told me I was probably just having an irregular period. So after my 3rd week of bleeding they finally scheduled me to come in for a D & C. Wouldn't you know by the time I came in the bleeding had just stopped, after all it had been 4 weeks!
So at the appointment I told them that I had stopped bleeding and they examined me, took blood, and gave me a pregnancy test, and cancelled the D & C, as everything had already passed through my body. They said based on my tests I had been pregnant (which I did not know) and miscarried. They also said that the pregnancy test came back positive which is normal as my hormones had not returned to normal yet. Then they scheduled me for a 2 week follow up appointment and to get birth control.
I went home and cried and cried because I felt bad that I didn't know that I was pregnant and on top of that I lost it :..(
When I went to my follow up appointment (which was at another office) they did the evaluation and pregnancy test, and gave me my prescription. As I was walking to my car the medical assistant came out and told me that she needed the prescription back. I came back in thinking she just wanted to make a correction and she told me that I was pregnant. I was startled and told her what happened at the other office and that it must still be giving a false positive. She said by now my hormone levels should have been back to normal but just to appease me we scheduled another appointment a week later.
A week later, the test showed that I was still pregnant, 8 weeks at that! I had not had sexual intercourse for nearly 3 months at this time. They could never explain to me exactly what happened or maybe just figured I had my dates mixed up or something.
My mother was an identical twin, my daughter and now son's father is a fraternal twin, I used to wish I had a twin when I was young, then I wanted to have twins of my own. I know in my heart that I was pregnant with twins and only 1 survived. I think that the Lord kept 1 for himself because HE knew I was too young to handle them at that time. I still want to have twins and I believe that when HE feels I'm ready, they'll come!
So N., just keep the faith, and I pray you have a delightful pregnancy and that you have a happy, healthy baby! Congratulations!