Dear P.:
As we all know the Swine Flu was blown way out of control. Even many of the media channels have apologized for the fear they were placing in the public.
The vaccine has been pulled from almost every country in the world. Only Africa has not yet removed the rest of the stock, but they also don’t have to pay for it.
This is the normal reaction from the vaccine. This reaction happens in 1 out 25 children and can progressively get worse.
The only thing that physicians are recommending to reduce this reaction and neutralize the effects is a product called Vaxtox. You can find it all over the internet or at
The positive side is that the Swine flu is really not worse than the regular flu and there are very few cases being reported. The reports of cases throughout the US were very inaccurate. Only 1 case out of 50 Swine flu cases was actually Swine flu. The doctors were diagnosing the patients by symptoms only.
If there is any further residual after the use of the Vaxtox, there are other ways of reversing the problem. There are 13 very toxic chemical that may need to be cleansed out of his body.
Good Luck
S. L.