Hello M.,
I am a former preschool teacher. I used to get four year olds ready for Kindergarten. My 20 students would leave me reading and writing. I have dealt with children like your son every year. First of all don't worry too much. Your son will learn these skills in Kindergarten. (as long as he gets a good teacher) But it is a good idea to get him "with the program". I have a few questions- 1. Does your son's school "teach" the children to write or is it a choice? 2.What kind of curriculum do they use? A lot of preschool allow children to "learn through play" more than get taught, which is good for the curious child, not so much for the boys who want to play (which most boys do). They will usually choose to play over art or write. My son is also 5 and he does not like doing school work, he would rather play with me. I have to tell him that I will play with him after he plays school with me. It works most of the time. 3. Does he complain that his hand hurts? If so he needs to do activities that work those muscles (play-dough, puzzles, lacing cards or beads, or cutting with child fiskar scissors) These are fun activities and can be used also to make learning fun. I would like to know more about your son and I would love to offer tutoring for him. Contact me if you're interrested. I have a Child Development Assosiates Degree CDA and an AA in Elemtary Education. Let me know if you have anymore questions. Good Luck!!!! N.