My son just graduated from College, so this is pretty fresh for me. YOu say she had it all-but what will be her circumstances now? Is she going away to school-or staying at home. If she is going away to school, she will be furnishing s dorm or apt -so Container Store, Linen's n things, Target or Bed and Bath have great things. If you don't know -A gift card to any of these places is great. MOre personal-would be a James Avery charm, ring or necklace. Some of my son's friends I gave a small gift to and then a check to add to their set up money. The gift might be a big bags of 'nerds' candy or beef jerky to the boy that alwasy raided my pantry, a book, a funny movie or Christian cd, scrapbook supplies or a really cute clipboard and pen set. I try to set this by the personality of the person and our relationship.
ONe of the best things-especially for a girl is to write her a note about her and what you think of her, and what dreams you have for her future. Encourage her to stay close to her family, etc.-going away from home is a hard emotional step. A lot of kids go crazy and make bad choices. You can use your card to open a door of communication if you choose to. Blessings-D.