Unfortunately when you are getting aid from the state they can mandate some specifics you need to follow. Immunizations are part of that package.
But vaccinating a child is to protect them from harmful and needless childhood diseases.
Being a nurse, I have met a lot of parents who choose not to immunize for various reasons, that is a personal choice each parent needs to make for themselves.
Due to the fact that international travel is more common and more affordable than ever and immigration makes every place in the world a more "global community", more children are being exposed to diseases at earlier ages that have not been seen in the United states for generations. For that reason alone, more pediatricians are encouraging parents to stay current with immunizations.
Also, once they reach an age where they can attend daycare, preschool or school age; proof of immunization is needed for enrollment.
The mother might get stuck with the child getting a lot of immunizations at one time and putting the child through a lot of pain or suffering so they can "catch up" on immunizations if it is not done at the required intervals.
I have seen children who were behind or had missed immunizations, for various reasons, get as many as 5 immunizations in one visit.
This means two shots in one thigh, one shot in the other thigh and one shot in each arm. Then depending on the immunizations given the child can run a low grade fever, get a rash at the injection site or be very tender at the injection site for a few days.
As a mom myself, that's a lot for a child to go through when they don't like to get injections/shots anyway.
Immunization is not to punish the parents or to create a financial burden, but rather to protect all children from diseases that can have horrible side effects.
I have found through my contact with parents that most are hesitant to immunize because of misinformation or fear of unusual side effects.
Here are a few websites you might give to your friend so she can be more informed and have her discuss with her doctor the possible reasons she is choosing not to immunize so he can clear up any fears, problems, concerns or questions she has.
I find if parents have all the information they can make a better more informed decision, no one wants to make an important decision if they don't feel like they know all the facts.
Also among the websites below is a site for the State of Kansas and specifics on what their state aid program for children requires and mandates to be done by the parents or guardian.
Also the CDC website gives all the reasons why an immunization is given and any possible normal or abnormal reactions to expect or watch for.
It is a very useful site for parents, but your pediatrician should be giving you these print-outs for each and every immunization the child gets.
~I hope this is helpful.
Because I got so many hateful "personal emails" from other moms when I responded to this question I wanted to add some more information to my answer here. First I wanted to say this site is for friendly exchange of information. We all have opinions and personal experiences that are of value to ourselves and one another and no two people ever agrees on everything.
If you do not agree with my opinions on vaccines, that is fine with me. But I would encourage everyone in this forum to be kind.
I have gotten responses from my own postings that I didn't agree with, but that will always happen. This is not a place to attack others.
So with that said, here is some additional info on immunizations-- and as always, you should make a decision that is best for you.
This site is to help draw women and mothers with different experience and knowledge together to help each other, I hope it can continue to be successful in that goal.
I worked in an inner city ER in Atlanta for many years and worked closely with doctors and nurse practitioners who were doing research on immunizations and their POSSIBLE links to diseases, complications and neuro disorders like autism.
I feel very compelled to mention that the FDA, CDC and other Govt. agencies have pressured the drug companies over the years and Thimerisol has either been completely removed or reduced to trace amounts in vaccines for children. Not all vaccines had Thimerisol in the first place, it was a preservative that was used in multi dose vials in SOME immunizations.
A lot of pediatricians do not use multi dose vials. Also the studies done to link Thimerisol to Autism are based on mercury levels. Thimerisol is a "mercury containing organic compound", but is not pure mercury. This means it has "similar characteristics" as mercury but is not pure mercury.
If the human body works in the correct manner, the mercury or its organic relative is excreted in human waste. Sadly, not everyone's body works as efficiently as it should.
The studies done to link Autism to vaccines were based on mercury. It is important to note children and pregnant women can be exposed to organic compounds containing mercury through other means besides vaccines, like seafood, and other environmetal exposure. This is a reason why pregnant women may choose to limit seafood during pregnancy.
But it is also important to note, no "for sure" or definite link has been made. So every parent has to make a choice on what is best for them and inform themselves. I would urge those who are not knowledgable about vaccines not to spread misinformation and scare other mothers. If you need more information on vaccines and if they contain Thimerisol you can visit this website:
It also has a link to the FDA website so you can get more FACT based information on Thimerisol.