Could be a number of things. Have you introduced solids yet? If she is a big girl, then it might be time to step things up and fill her up. May help her settle at night with a full tummy.
So my daughter just turned 6 months & I just feel like I have a newborn! I don't know what happened. She is healthy but she wont sleep through the night anymore. At 2 months she would go to bed around 8pm & wake up around 7am for her feeding. Perfect right? But now... I put her to bed & she wakes up all night. I feel like a yo-yo. She uses a pacifier so I usually give it to her & she goes back to sleep but lately I have to feed her around 2 am or 4 am. Is that normal? I mean to go from being so small & sleeping great for 4 months to now just wanting to wake up??? I realize now how good I had it & all I can think of is maybe she is teething? Or just fuzzy? She is a big girl & eats a lot but I dont want to get her used to the late feedings? Any suggestions Thanks :)
Thanks! I'm glad that I asked because I have introduced her to solids yet I think she may need more. She eats cereal in the morning & a veggie or fruit in the afternoon & her bottle of 5-6 oz. And yes every object she wants to shew & drools alot but no signs of teeth yet. I change her diaper before laying her down & have a very dim night light. Her bed time usually is 7:30 -8pm. Maybe it is a growth spurt. I've been so luck to have my 2 boys sleep through the night since babies. They are 7 & 5 now & still go to bed at 7:30pm & wake up around 7am. My sister is amazed because she wasnt that lucky. I will try to feed her more food, make sure she burps & lay her down. She rooms with us so I tend to jump up & get her ( she's my last baby) but I know I have to let her be because she really is fine. Thanks for the responses. Wish me luck
Could be a number of things. Have you introduced solids yet? If she is a big girl, then it might be time to step things up and fill her up. May help her settle at night with a full tummy.
I can sympathize! I have a six and a half month old. He has only slept thru the night a handful of times so I know he can do it. But he still wakes at least once a night, some times twice. I do give him the breast and he is back to sleep. His first tooth appeared yesterday, but it doesn't seem to bother him. We have been sleep training him for about three weeks now and he goes to sleep by himself okay, but still can't seem to self soothe at night. I do wait to go to his room and sometimes he will go back to sleep, but usually I have to get up before he wakes the whole house. All I know is, just when you think you have them figured out, they change!
Mine is eating cereal/veggies/fruits 3x/day and gets formula, too. He only wants breast at night and that is dwindling down so I know that won't last much longer.
I know I am no help, just know you aren't the only one. He has been drooling and chomping on everything about a month before this tooth showed up. Is your daughter doing that?
You're only way to get through this without creating some really bad habits is to not respond unless she realllllly needs you to (ie, she's hurt or actually ill.) My son is 15 months old now and every so often (every couple of months or so) when he would hit a new milestone or just realize that being awake is more fun than sleeping he would start at this samw thing that you are experiencing. At your daughter's age, response to her waking is not necessary as long as she is not ill and not hurting. If you do, this will become habit and much harder to break. When I was in this situation, I would check on him once to make sure he had not pooped, stuck his leg or something and then leave. No talking, no kisses, etc. Not to sound harsh but she will start sleeping like your little angel once again! And please do not feel badly about this, you're not doing it selfishly, but are doing it for your daughter's best interests - she needs that good, consolidated sleep to have good days and do all of that learning and developing :)
As other readers suggested, though, make sure that she is getting enough to eat during the day and you should start solids if you haven't already. At 6 months old, she definitely does not need to eat at night. Also, what is her bedtime? At this age, she should really be going to bed between 6:30 and 7:30 ish. Keeping her up too late may make it harder to sleep. My son went to sleep at 6:30 (okay, even 6:00 some days!) from about 5 months to 13 months and he always slept through til 6:30 or 7:00 daily.
Good luck! I'm guessing she has probably just realized that there's a lot of fun stuff going on and sleeping isn't her choice! Or perhaps she's on the verge of a new milestone. My son never slept well right before or as he learned to roll over, pull up to stand, etc.
Good luck to you!!
Use orajel after feeding. It can be the teething.
Your baby might not be feeding enough. She is old enough now for baby puree or baby cereal. Try putting a teaspoon of cereal/puree (banana or applesauce) in her milk each night before bed.
If baby is still waking up, could it be wet diaper that wakes her? Try a night time diaper and change her just before she goes down for the night.
Gas can also be a problem. If she is not burped thoroughly, she might have a sore tummy or struggle with gas and wake up.
A soft nightlight would keep out night terrors
Comfortable cool PJ's and the right room temp might work too. 75'F avarage for most babies in the summer.
good luck and keep up the good work
she's probably going through a growth spurt. she could also be teething....
She is probably just hitting a growth spurt. my 10 month old slept through the night by the first week. Around 3 months, 6 months, and now at 10 months he occasionally gets up in the middle of the night for a bottle. He is teething and growing a lot, so I give him one and he goes right back to sleep.
You got a lot of great ideas! I just saw in your update that she is still in your room... That might havesomething to do with it. My first was in our room in a bassinet until almost 6 months. She started sleeping long stretches at 2 months and then started waking more at 4 months. At 6 months we went to my in-laws, and she was in her own room... She started sleeping great. We put her in her own room when we got home and she kept sleeping all night. Could be that your sleeping noises are waking her up, or that she's ready for her own space. :) Is that an option?
She may, indeed, be fuzzy, but I think she's fussy! :P
Make sure she's nice and FULL before she goes to sleep...and make sure it's early enough that she's not overly tired. That makes any kid sleep fitfully.
Usually they go through sleep issues when they hit a milestone: pulling up, cruising, walking, etc.
possibly teething. tylenol!
or try a white noise machine? Maybe something's waking her up.