Going Thru Divorce, Can I Refinance the House in My Name Alone?

Updated on May 23, 2013
S.M. asks from Apex, NC
12 answers

My stbx was in the process of refinancing the house in his name alone to lower the monthly mortgage payments. But my lawyer said this doesn't make sense if we are going to possibly sell the house. Houses in my neighborhood are selling FAST. The neighbor down the street sold his home in 5 days of it being on the market.

Anyway my lawyer said I should talk to someone at the bank and see if I can refi the home in my name alone if I want to try to keep it. That way stbx can buy a diff home in the future and won't be tied to this one. I haven't consulted anyone at the bank yet but wanted to ask everyone here for input. Can this be done if I'm a stay at home mom?? I am currently looking for work btw.

Has anyone else been thru this process? Will the bank take into account the figures for child support and alimony? If it can't be done I'm fine with that but I just wanted to see if there was a chance of keeping the house before putting it on the market. I still need to see what I will be getting for child support and alimony which I will be finding out this week sometime.

I'm so ignorant on this subject. Any input would be great. Then again maybe I don't want the house because of all the bad memories...Thoughts anyone?

OKay so they probably won't take alimony into consideration. And there's no sneaking, it is ammicable for the most part. If it did work out I would just give him my share of the equity...

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answers from Phoenix on

I went through this. If the house is currently in BOTH names, the spouse who is applying must qualify for it on their own and no, child support does NOT count as income since it's dependent on someone else working. Also, the other person has to quick deed it over. You can't just sneaky apply for a loan and hope your stbx doesn't know about it. If he's on the loan now, HE needs to sign off and YOU need to qualify financially on your own. Good luck.

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answers from Columbia on

In addition to what has been said below, you are going to have to PAY him a portion of any equity...... this can get tricky..... because if one of you is ugly you can haggle for months over what is considered a "gain". Things like, whose money was the original downpayment and do they get "credit" for that.

You could also "trade" other stuff to equalize the equity or loss..... so, for example you get the house, he gets the nicer car (if the $$$$ equals out).

If you don't have a source of income I'm not sure you will qualify for a loan, so the quit claim deed may be your only option..... beware that this CAN be contested in certain situations, so it should be your last resort.

I, too, am a bit weary of your lawyer - especially if he's a divorce attorney.... this should be what he does.

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answers from Chicago on

The only way to get someone else's name off the mortgage is to get them to quit claim the deed. I am surprised that your lawyer doesn't know this already. Makes me question the lawyer's knowledge base.

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answers from Los Angeles on

Osohapi hit the nail on the head. your stbx must quit claim on the property and you can buy him out as part of your setttlement. Good luck.

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answers from New York on

Yes, it is possible for you to get a mortgage on your own. However, based on the information you supplied, it would be extremely difficult. Since child support isn't reported as income on your tax return, it's usually not included for a loan.

I've never been in this situation, but based on my knowledge and what I've witnessed, I would think it would be best just for you to sell the house and divide the assets.

I'm sure your attorney is familar with "quit claim". However, if stbx did agree to this, you would still need a way to pay for the house, which is what your atty is concerned about.

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answers from New York on

I doubt it. You do not have a job. Child support and alimony? How many deadbeats out there. Pretty sure they would not count that because child support is just that, child support.

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answers from St. Louis on

You have to qualify on your own and you won't if you don't work.

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answers from Portland on

I divorced and refinanced the house in my name but I'm retired with a retirement and steady income from investments and social security. You have to be able to show that you can make the payments. You have to have established credit in your name and have a credit score of a certain number.

My ex spouse did not have to sign a quit claim deed.

Just call and ask the bank your questions.

If you're going to sell the house then definitely do not refinance it. One has to plan to reside in a house for several years to recoup the cost of refinancing. Talk with the bank about this if you don't understand it. They can tell you how long it would take to come out ahead on a refinance.

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answers from Kansas City on

You have to get a loan in your name only. Good luck without a job.

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answers from Kansas City on

Nope. We have a friend going through this right now.

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answers from Washington DC on


I'm sorry - if you have no income - you cannot refinance the house in your name. The bank will expect you to be able to make the payments.

If you are going through a divorce - I would suggest you dust off your resume and hit the pavement looking for a job. How else do you expect to care for yourself and your children? You realize that if you buy the home - get it in your name - you are going to have to "buy him out" essentially - right? That means either taking equity out of the home and giving it to him or you have the funds in a savings account to buy him out.

If you are asking what would **I** do? I would sell the home and split the equity equally between you - then you can move on. You won't be looking around at all the dreams of what you WANTED to happen...or looking around and the memories of what happened...move on.

Once you have stable income, a good credit rating then yes, you can buy a home in your name and make it your own.

Good luck!

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answers from Washington DC on

My advice is to sell, start clean.

My relative did what you are proposing. They had to increase the loan to cover the current loan, plus half of the equity to buy out the other person. It did not end well as he was not able to keep up with the increased payments.

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