I went back to school when my son was a year old until he was 3. It was hard and I had to take lots of shortcuts to run my household. this wasn't for a Masters though, so not sure if this will help. Also, I wasn't working full time too, but I was averaging 12-18 hrs a semester.
Look into online courses. It is a true time saver and very convenient. Most are self paced. You have to be really disciplined to stay on schedule. But don't let that scare you. You don't have to go to any classrooms - your classroom is mostly receiving written out lectures from the professor and being sent reading/research assignments online. But think about it - instead of driving to the school (30+ mins), finding a parking spot (5-15 mins), walking to class (5 mins), sitting for an hr long lecture, walking back to your car and driving home again, you are looking at 2+ hrs away from home already!
Get ready to lose some sleep. Once you put your child to bed, study until you can't, then wake up at least an hour or 2 before you either have to get ready for work or your child gets up (whichever comes first).
Take a day each week to plan your week, like Sat or Sun - what you'll do for meals, when you'll do housework like laundry. Make casseroles ahead of time during the weekend when your husband is home (I guess that's on Sat) and just heat them up during the week.
this isn't very eco friendly but start using paper goods when you eat. That will save you more time. You could always recycle your paper goods too.
Your laundry room will become your best friend. We lived out of our dryer and stacks of clothes on the ironing board for the longest time.
Good luck to you!