I would seriously question your pediatrician's advice. Please read this article about why any other milk besides breastmilk or formula is a bad idea for little ones under a year old.
It doesn't matter how healthy or much of a "bruiser" your little man is, he's still an infant and still has the system of an infant. His body is not ready to deal with what whole cow's milk or goat's milk does and does not have that he does and doesn't need.
I EBF both of my kids and never started either of them on whole milk right at the year mark. It's a big change for their little systems and we made the switch gradually when we did.
It is perfectly fine to offer infant around your son's age things like cheese and yogurt as they are different from cow's milk in structure and milk proteins.
You sound like you are concerned for your son's overall health and nutritional health like any good mom so offering him something that will not fulfill his nutritional needs and could actually be detrimental (like cow or goat's milk) doesn't sound like it fits into your plans. And given that he is vomiting formula, he may have some milk allergy issues that would preclude starting whole milk as well. If you are set on discontinuing breastfeeding, I would explore other formula options (more gentle formulas, hypoallergenic formulas, etc) before going with a milk option.
As to the bottle/sippy issue, definitely go straight to sippy. The latest recommendations are to have infants off the bottle starting at around 9 months anyway.