We did goat's milk at first because we aren't the cow's milk fans so much. My son didn't drink it....just stuck to water and nursed....didn't like (and still doesn't like) cow's milk to this day and he's 2 1/2.
We did goat's milk yogurt though and he ate that (I thought it tasted goaty!).
It is easier on their system than cow's milk and I think a nice intro to milk.
I wouldn't worry about the folic acid. It isn't going to be his main source of nutrition is it? If you are still nursing a lot and taking a prenatal or good multivitamin, he will be getting folic acid from you. He will also get it from other things in his diet as you intro food. I never worried about nutrition until my son was a bit older, 18 months or so, and eating more and nursing less.
Remember too...I'd look at nutrition over the course of several days not just each day. There is folic acid in so much, and so many foods that are fortified, that it isn't terribly common to see a folic acid deficiency here in the US. Here's a link, but remember these are amounts for adults, but it gives you an idea of what foods have folic acid.