Vinegar and baking soda work great, use the same amount as you would if it were laundry soap....it works great!
My son got to wear pajamas to school on Thursday, and unfortunately came down with diarrhea while at school. As soon as I got him home I threw the dirty clothes in the laundry. I've washed his pajama pants 4 or 5 times, have soaked them for hours in OxyClean, and nothing is getting the smell out! I think it's the fabric (100% polyester) since the underwear he was wearing at the time are fine now. I've heard vinegar might help, but I'm not sure how much, etc?? Any help would be MUCH appreciated!! Thanks!
Vinegar and baking soda work great, use the same amount as you would if it were laundry soap....it works great!
Hi. I add lemon-scent ammonia to 'smelly' wash cycles (my mom taught me that) and it really helps to get smells out, plus they get really clean. I know you can get plain ammonia in the cleaning section at Target, I got the lemon-scent at Fleet Farm (in bigger jugs). It will definitely help with your problem! Plus you can use it clean anything- and it's cheap!! Don't mix bleach with it...that would cause some problems. Using it with laundry detergent is fine. I put about 1/2 cup in each load. You will love it!
Actually I've heard Vodka works. I saw it on a morning show where they did a test... I've never tried it, but what the heck. I'd also try vinegar. I use that to clean quite a few things around the house. Good luck!
If they are just pj's and not expensive throw them out!
If they still smell that would indicate they're not really clean...I know if that's happened to my daughter vomit,urinie,poop I have to bleach it or if the garmit can't be bleached in the garbage it goes.
I've heard of vinegar too, I suppose you would use it as you would bleach a cup for a wash.
I have that problem with my husbands clothes and mine, we have horses! LOL I put Fabreeze in my wash to get rid of the smell, about a cap full, (1/8 of a cup).
Good luck!
No offense, but you have spent much more time than I would ever dream of on a pair of poopy pajamas. Throw them out!
My friend's hubby is a hunter. She uses SCENT AWAY LAUNDRY DETERGENT for his hunting laundry but swears by it for her other smelly laundry too.
I think I would throw them out, too. But if you don't want to do that I would use vinegar. I use cloth diapers and do a rinse of vinegar every now and then to help keep stinkies away. Fill a Downy ball up to the low line and throw it in the washer with the laundry so it just opens during the rinse cycle. Good luck!
I believe quarter to half cup per gallon of water does it.