My second son was like this, I was able to get hime to sleep in his bed, but like clock work he woke up at 2am and crawled right in with me. I don't know of much advice, because I just let him do it.
Once he hit three years old, he just stopped coming to the bed, since he was a big boy now.
I'd try to stop the rocking to go to sleep, and maybe if it seems so hard to do, try getting her to bed about 15 minutes earlier then the original bedtime, to start the not rocking to sleep bit, but then still allow her to sleep with you at 2am.
Once this is established, then start putting her back in her bed at 2am when she wakes up. I think this is small approaches for her too much at one time, she will have more seperation anxiety. So my advice, find a way to get her to just go to sleep without rocking, maybe rubbing her back at first, then slowly just putting her down, playing some music. This might not be easy, but easier to break now then if she gets way too old....then slowly go to getting her not to sleep with you after 2am...