D. - One of the best pieces of advice I received from a friend was to always put my son in his crib wide awake and let him learn how to fall asleep on his own. I did this from day one...in fact he would fall asleep at the bottle and I would wake him up burping him...play with him for 5 mintues or so and then lay him down to sleep. My son is now 21 months and I can tell you that anytime we have company and I give my son a bath and put him to bed...he goes right to sleep, no crying, no comments....just happy to be in bed and asleep. If your daughter is 12 weeks...you might have a fight on your hands for about a week. When I was a babysitter in high school...I had a neighbor who had an 8 week old baby Heather, when I started watching her...the mom would bounce her to sleep after a bottle for 45 mintues to get her to sleep. Well, as a teenager this was very difficult for me to continue very night during the week while she went to work, frankly my arms hurt. So I asked her if she would mind if I stopped that and just put her daughter to bed?? She said fine...good luck. The first night Heather cried for an hour. I checked on her every ten minutes. The first few times I would walk in the room, I would pick her up and she would stop crying instantly....this gave me the confidence to know she was fine, she just wanted to be picked up....nothing was wrong. The last 1/2 hour as soon as I walked in the door she would stop crying...so I knew she was fine. The second night she cried about 45 minutes...the next two nights 1/2 hour...the sixth night she cried for 5 minutes and then was sound asleep. I told the mom, please, please....feed her, burp her, change her diaper and then put her down in the crib, walk out and close the door. She said it was a miracle her daughter went right to sleep. She couldn't believe it.
So this is totally up to you. I can only share my experience, once with my son and once when I used to babysit...I believe the child will get used to what ever you allow them to do. One other thing my Mom shared with me. She trained me early in my sons life...to not pick him up if he would wake up crying...pick him up after he calms down. Otherwise you're teaching him if he cries that you'll pick him up right away. At first I thought this was very cruel. However my Mom convinced me to try it out. What I have found is that my son rarely cries and is usually a very happy boy, when he wakes up from naps or in the morning.
These are just a few ideas that have worked for me. Each child is different and you need to keep that in mind. However these have worked well for me. Good Luck!!!