Just take her around with everything you do--shop, library, visit friends (with or without babies), do dishes, straighten up, laundry, etc. and talk about everything. You can give her her own "stuff" e.g. plastic bowls and measuring spoons while you cook.
Seems like somebody posted a similar question not long ago, if you have time you could look in the archives for more suggestions.
Sometimes libraries have story times for kids.
You can keep doing more of the same but just slightly different variations, eg get her the touch books if you haven't already (Pat the Bunny, Pat the Cat), read other books than the ones she's been hearing, go for a walk in different neighborhoods.
Play peek-a-boo, sing silly songs, make a puppet "talk". Pet your cat or dog if you have one--it's not too early to teach "gently". Finger paint with pudding, or real finger paint if you don't think she will eat it
Give her an item and let her interact with it on her own terms--chew, handle, throw, etc--you don't have to show her what to do with it.
The other responses I have seen so far also seem to have good ideas.
Don't be afraid to try the stuff you used to do with 2 year olds. You'll know if it is working or not, or you may get an idea about how to change it that will be a big hit with your baby.
Good luck and enjoy your daughter, these times do go fast--I remember that the half hours and hours seemed interminable sometimes, but the weeks and months just flew!
K. Z.