Four Year Old Son Still Wets His Pants

Updated on September 08, 2009
M.S. asks from Sheboygan, WI
15 answers

And boy, does it stink! He usually will have 2-3 accidents a day, but they're usually small accidents. In other words, it's not pouring down his leg. It amounts to a small spot on the front of his pants, but it smells like a sopping wet diaper. So really there are two problems...he wets his pants (mostly at home, sometimes in public) and it stinks to high heaven!! I had him tested for a UTI a couple months ago, and the test was negative. He drinks enough juice and milk and water and has a pretty healthy diet. He also wets his bed every night, and the smell from that would knock out a skunk! The pediatrician didn't have much to say when the UTI test came back negative, and really didn't have much imput at all besides for him to drink lots of water---which means more wet stinking sheets for me to deal with. We try to get him to stop drinking after dinner and he goes to the bathroom before bed. My DH and I can't wake him in the middle of the night because we both need to get up very early in the morning.
Has anyone dealt with this? Any suggestions?

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answers from Minneapolis on

M. - I would highly recommend chiropractic care. They have dealt with many bed wetters and can probably help with this situation as well. I would recommend 2 different offices, one in Lakeville and one in Eagan if you're interested in names and numbers.

Good luck,

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answers from St. Cloud on

I second trying the chiropractor. It has helped a few of my friends' with their kids.....



answers from Omaha on

Not saying this is your son's problem, but you might want to at least rule this out.

My step-son had a very similar problem, only he would #2 in his pants, even up to 7 yrs old! After much frustration, his mom took him to EAP - Employee Assistance Program. Turns out that he was scared/frustrated/upset about some things, but didn't know how to express them. After adjusting his schedule and 2 visits to EAP, the problem stopped and he felt much better. It might be worth having your son talk to someone just to rule it out.

Good Luck!



answers from Sheboygan on

Maybe stick to water and milk because juice has SO much sugar in it that it maybe be raising his sugar levels too much and may be causing the incontince. Have you had him check for diabetes? The dr may need to do more test. Good Luck!



answers from Minneapolis on

Do you have a waterproof mattress pad on his bed? If not, get one at Target today. That will help a LOT with a smelly bedroom. We have a child who struggles with bedwetting a bit. We found that if we have him go to the bathroom TWO OR THREE times right before bedtime, that helps. Just once does not do it. Also, he can't be too warm. If he is too warm (too many blankets) he has an accident.

In terms of daytime. That is not an issue we have had to struggle with although I have friends who have. Have you tried cotton training underwear? They are just like regular underwear but have a waterproof barrier so there will be no leaks and no smelly close. Imse Vimse makes a wonderful version in really cute fabrics. Here is a link

How frustrating. Good luck. I hope it gets better



answers from Appleton on

Have him tested for allergies. My daughter couldn't have anything with artificial flavors or colors or she would wet the bed. Try taking everything with artificial colors and flavors out of his diet for a week or two see what happens.
I would also talk to an allergist and look some info up online and at the library. It could be anything from milk to wheat to who knows. Sometimes as parents we need to to our own detective work to find out what is going on with our kids.



answers from Bismarck on

DATE: Tuesday, Sept., 8, 2009

I would like to recommend Aloe Berry Nectar. This can also be used for adults.

U can check for more information.

A little about me.
I am a full time staff, employed at an international institution, also a part time staff at another institution and an independent distributor with Forever Living Products.
Married for 28 years and have 3 children, aged 27, 26, 17.



answers from Des Moines on

I think that you should go to another pediatrician, if nothing else go to your Dr. and tell him what is going on and have him refer you to someone else. I know that my Dr. recommends pediatricians, but if you ever second guess one then my Dr. will see my child and give his own second opinion (which is nice that way you do not have to take your child to an unknown Dr. that your kids don't know).

Has you husband taken him in and shown him how to go potty? At four a child understands a lot and even though you both might have taught him at 2 or whenever, sounds like he needs some more teaching.

My friend's daughter wet her pants until the first day of preschool (she was 4). She even took pull ups with her in case. As soon as she saw all the other girls go potty she never had an accident again.

My daughter had accidents until she was 5 and frequently. I got to the point where I just told her that I couldn't take her with me in public until she stopped going potty in her undies, about the second time I went shopping without her (my grandmother watched her) and didn't bring her home anything she stopped.

Hang in there and try to be patient with him. He will learn, you just gotta find out what he needs first. If you get angry with him and then find out it is a medical condition you will be so mad at yourself for being angry. Please rule out all medical possibilities asap.



answers from Rapid City on

I have a few suggestions.
Put a waterproof mattress pad on his bed, and accept that you'll be washing stinky sheets every morning.

Put a "Goodnight" pair of absorbent underwear on him at night (some kids don't have good bladder control, and are bedwetters until much older than your son, so there are products on the market to help)

Take turns with your husband getting up with your son at night to use the bathroom. No, it isn't fun, but if you give it a couple of weeks, he might be able to get up on his own and use the bathroom.

If he's having accidents during the day, try reminding him to use the bathroom throughout the day. At that age, they get so busy with all the exciting things they do that they don't want to take the time to use the bathroom until it's too late.

Have another talk with his doctor. Urine that smells that bad doesn't seem normal to me, and now that it's been going on for awhile, maybe the doctor will have some ideas (other than a UTI) for wht is causing it.



answers from Minneapolis on

I have the same issues with my son, in terms of wetting the bed and still a few accidents occasionally. We use underjams at night, and we also bought a waterproof cover that you'd buy for a crib that we lay across his sheets at night, so if anything leaks, we only have to wash the pad/cover and not all the sheets, mattress pad, etc. For accidents, we just use a reward system when my son seems to "relapse" a bit, and that seems to help. I also heard vitamin C can help for the smell.


answers from Milwaukee on

have him tested for a bacteria in his urine. this could have something to do with the smell too!!



answers from Duluth on

When my middle son was a baby his uine smelled like ammonia, the doctor told me to give him vitamin C to neutralize the urine. It worked.



answers from Minneapolis on




answers from Madison on

If it's been a couple of months since he was tested for a UTI, I would have him tested again. With the symptoms and the smell you're describing, it sure sounds like a UTI to me! There is no mistaking that smell!!



answers from Des Moines on

I would definitely look into the Underjams or other nighttime products, at least for a while. My nephew wore them until he was about 5 I think, just because he would have an occasional accident. Also, I wanted to recommend a cleaner that I got (I think at Target) that's called Kids and Pets stain and odor remover. It neutralizes the urine smell. I think it was next to the carpet cleaners, but I've used it on upholstery too, and it seems to be fine.

Beyond those tips, I would say that you should try to find a second opinion because it does sound like your problem is a bit unusual and the strong odor combined with the accidents warrants follow up. Good luck!

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