As far as I know, exergen is the only reliable one (I love it!)
Can anyone recommend a good (accurate) forehead thermometer that doesn't cost $50? I looked at some on Amazon.com and don't know who to believe in the reviews. There was one by Vicks that looked neat as it had a large digital readout that is backlit, so it'd be easier to use in the dark. I like that feature, but the reviews were pretty mixed. Anyone have a thermometer that they think is really great?
As far as I know, exergen is the only reliable one (I love it!)
I haven't found a forehead one I thought was accurate. We have a Braun ear thermometer (cost about $35). It is fine for using on a sleeping child. It is pretty good (the doctor's office has the same one). I don't think it is quite as accurate as the old fashioned ones but it is usually good within half a degree. I usually warm up the tip in my hand and take the temp 3 times and assume the highest temp is most accurate. My thermometer tends to read a bit low but definitely will register a real fever (over 100).
I swear I have tried every thermometer out there. I have a temporal artery (forehead) thermometer and I find that it provides very unreliable readings and I don't use it. The one I love is the Braun ThermalScan Ear thermometer. It is very accurate and reads the same as a rectal temperature. (When my youngest was a baby, we bought this thermometer and I'd take the ear temp first, then a rectal if it was high and every time the number was the same or very close to it, i.e., one would read 101.5 and the other 101.4 or 101.3.) Good luck!
this is the one we got:
it's GREAT. very accurate (we tested this against a rectal thermometer to see if the readings were accurate). the only trick is READ THE DIRECTIONS. if you don't do it exactly right (i.e. you let go of the button before you're supposed to), your readings are off. I haven't really mastered it b/c my husband does all the temperature taking but he's become quite a pro! He always does 2 or 3 swipes though to get a range (they'll be off by .1 or .2). but its REALLY great for when you want to check a squirmy toddler's temperature quickly without pulling down the pants, diapers, etc. My son is fascinated with it and holds really still while my husband does it. lol.
I have this one which we use often (and really like): http://www.amazon.com/Vicks-V977-Forehead-Thermometer/dp/...
and this one that could be thrown in the trash: http://www.amazon.com/Thermofocus-BV-700-Non-Contact-Ther...
We got one at costco and I think it was like $30. We like it fine and think it's pretty accurate. It is NOT backlit, which really kind of sucks, but it's not the end of the world!