My youngest is 10 months old.. He got his flu shot!! And He will as long as they offer them. In Dec he will get his 2nd (your first shot is done 2 times a month a part) Anyway. I started getting my flu shot I would say about 6 or 7 years ago. My older son too... We had both been reallllly sick OH my gosh we were sick. Brandon even got pumonua ( sorry cant spell ) He was in the hospital even... So every year since we both got our shots.. HE had had the sniffles but that is about it! My sister They wont get their shots... and every year they get worse.. she and her older child have broncitus reallly bad now... and her youngest is starting to get it. They have been told to get flu shot.. but they wont.. and now they will live with this all thier lifes!!
I dont know 100% if that is the cause.. but My son's doctor said To be sure to get Bran his cuz he was soooo sick... and since we have been fine..
My hubby is so busy.. has not got his and he is sick like crazy now.. but So far... me and my boys are just fine!!!!
I hate to give over the counter meds if I dont need to to for my kids.. This helps me to not have to!!!!
Good luck on your choice!!! but Time is going by... Make up your mind before they are out of the shot!! Remember your first requires 2 shots!