I agree with the honey too. If it is in it's natural state with all the propolis and enzymes, it is even better. Other things that you can do is give the little ones acidolphilus and bifidus on a regular basis so they don't get as sick as often. Garlic is fabulous for colds and for anytime to fight infections. Also, get them the fish oil chewables that are flavored with strawberry. This will keep them healthy too, probably for the 2 year old for now--I would wait on the baby. The oil of oregano is good, but tastes real strong, so go easy on it. Babies seem to do well with garlic though, if you could figure out a way to put it in the milk...maybe soak minced garlic in olive oil or flax oil and then add the oil to the milk. If you are nursing, you can take all of these things and the baby will automatically get the benefits as well as you. If not, try small amounts in the bottle and see you he does. As far as the honey, wait until the baby is older, since it has the botulism (sp?) problem for the young babes.
Also, go to your local healthfood store and ask the supplements person, they always have lots of suggestions. I have two books that I use frequently for referencing natural remedies: "Prescription for Nutritional Healing" and "The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Natural Remedies".