My son was also exclusievely breastfed and never had bottles too! Good job to you Momma! Mine is now 13.5 months and still happily nursing! My experience with sippy cups is there is no right one. I tried many different types...some soft, some hard, some fast flow, slow flow, no spill, leaking etc... He never took not one. I just kept them available with water in them for him to play with. He eventually got it...probably around 11-12 months. Its still fairly new to him and he still chokes to death now and again if he drinks too fast! Just let him play with them. Maybe get one that drips a little and put it in his mouth so he sees that stuff comes out of it. That will at least get him interested to experiment with why that is happening. His time will come, there is no rush as long as he's still nursing well! Hope this helps! Good luck!