Dear B.,
It would be helpful to have a little more information about the "fighting". Do you mean like yelling/screaming/slamming doors?? Or World Wrestling Federation style fighting??
I have 4 kids (10, 6,4, and 8 months) and at our house we have a zero tolerance policy to putting our hands on each other when we are angry. 2 things my kids are told is that 1. we were given hands, feet and words to help each other.. not to hurt each other and 2. we are going to be brothers and sisters forever so we have to get along. And if it is not crystal clear that one child is 100 percent in the wrong.. both children are given time outs. At the end of the time out we sit down with the children who have been fighting and ask them if they know why the received a time out. (Sometimes they don't and we have to remind them.) Then we remind them that our hands, feet and words are to help people not to hurt.. and that they need to tell each other their are sorry, and give a hug.
Now if they are tattling and whining.. that can be a whole different situation.
It also helps in the summertime to make sure they are still getting enough sleep and down time... sometimes because of the nice weather they are just getting more tired and thus more crankey with each other. Also sometimes the heat can cause them to not treat each other as they should... so just kind of be aware of these other things that could be affecting their dispositions!
Hope this wasn't to long and it was helpful!
Good luck to you!