As a teen, it's all about preventing leaking. Nothing more embarrasing than stained pants! Always are absolutely the best in abosrbancy and comfort, but NO wings, or they'll leak. They come very thin or thick, long or short, so make sure you read the package. Always Thin ones work for heavy flow also. Always Panty liners are great for really low flow (heavy spotting) if they're the same material as the pads. They make a second kind that aren't as good. Absolute key with pads is to have tight undies. I used to cut the legs off an old pair of hose and put the panty part over my cotton bikini undies to keep the pad snug. As for tampons, I never had luck with Kotex. I started with playtex as a teen and only changed for 1 yr when I was overseas. Then it was OB, which worked well but didn't come with an applicator where I was. The playtex never ever ever leak. When they're full, they drip down the cord, so I used liners with them till I figured out my flow. They are the best and easy to put in. You do have to tug to get them out cuz they work so well.
I remember as a teen giving up the Jr. High trip - weekend on a boat - cuz I didn't know how to put in tampons. I was to embarrassed to ask anyone in my family, and I didn't want to explain to my classmates why I wasn't swimming. It's a tough thing for a kid, esp. a young one!