Hello D.,
I know this is so overwhelming and I see it a lot in children today. But, I am not sure if you are into homeopathic (more natural products), but if you have a wonderful health food store close by, please go speak to the herbalogist or whomever that knows good enzymes, products, etc., that will help slow down the energy and brain. They should not make your daughter lethargic at all, the brain product will slow the craziness that goes on down.
My husband was like that and when we went to an herbologist he told him that his brain was going 160 miles per hour yet my husband's behavior was kind of calm. When he started taking the enzymes, he was so much clearer in the way he spoke and his ability to listen better. It was amazing.
Also, watch the food she is eating. Sugar is in everything and if she drinks diet anything or chews gum with asparatene in it STOP immediately.
I hope this helps.
L. Hein
THE BOOK "I'm Doing The Best I Can!" (They won't always be cute and adorable)