I imagine you're going to receive very helpful info. I wanted to share with you that my eleven-year old daughter got glasses for the first time in Nov. I told her I really didn't care for the pair she was so crazy about and took her to another Site for Sore Eyes to shop. She stuck with her original choice. When I bought new ones at the second store in April she wanted to buy a pair she saw there. She said she hated hers and had made a mistake! That store's manager claimed the other store should have allowed for her growth and given her glasses a little larger. The first store in reply said she had left with glasses that fit her well.
I really don't know if this is useful! The second pair she is so in love with is wire rimmed. They may be more flexible and last longer (as far as fit goes).
Other children will want to put the glasses on no matter what we say. Her teacher will have to have a good talk with the students,or do it yourself.