personally I was so glad to get my kids off formula when they turned 1! My daughter however had to be on formula becuase she was severly underweight (still rear facing at 2 because she was under 20lbs) so she stayed on it til she was over 2. This made it very hard to get her to drink cows milk. She really didn't like it and at 2 its harder to get them to try somthing new. Even at over 3 now she doesn't like it and I end up giving it to her other ways like mixing it with real fruit in the blender or in cereal in the AM. She is on vitamins, and I make "crafy veggies". I hide the veggies where I can to get them to eat them. (Seinfelds wife wrote a great book that I can't remember the name of with recipes on how to hide the veggies.) I would say start to transition gradually into whole milk 1/2 and 1/2 or even slower if needed, make sure he is on a good vitamin, and get sneaky with the veggies. It will save you a bundle, as formula can get expensive. Good Luck!