My parents, even when we were in Junior High and High School (obviously too old for Easter bunny...we did have a really younger brother, but even after he found out...), would still put out baskets like the Easter Bunny had come anyway and we thought it was funny and nostalgic. In our baskets would be things we could use (tooth brush, floss, hair things, little candy and chocolate, beach towels- often things we might need for our summer trip- like water shoes, sunglasses, cash (or Vacation Bucks we called kept track on a piece of paper how much everyone "made" and that was how much we had to spend on things while on vacation...this was in place of an allowance)...I'm sure if times were different back then, we would have gotten Music Download cards, but instead we got calling card for when we were at our other parent's house for the summer (no cells for kids yet...)...but maybe things for the cell phone if they have a new skin, case, car charger, extra minutes).
My parents also did scavenger hunts around our house and land...often the prize was a bigger share a new game or movie or gaming system or something for the house or yard...those were fun too!