Lotions with oils won't work because synthetic oils clog pores and simply lubricate the outer layer. As soon as the oil rubs off, the dryness returns.
Be sure and always check the ingredient labels because our skin is the largest organ in our body and everything that you put on it will get absorbed into your bloodstream and organs. We owe it to our kids to be sure they're using natural products.
Have you tried L'Bri Pure n' Natural? Aloe vera is the very first ingredient and the rest of the ingredients are vitamins, minerals, herbs and botanicals. There are no synthetic oils, no harsh chemicals, no artificial scents or colors and it will penetrate into the skin and heal it from the inside, out. L'Bri's lotion is probably all your kids need, but there's an amazing body wash and Intense Moisture cream that would do the trick also.
Check out my website at suenelson.lbri.com. If you'd like to try some samples, just get in touch with me.