We have a pet insurance at our clinic called Care Credit. There is no interest but the debt needs to be paid off in a year I believe. Also have you searched the internet for herbal treatments or home remedy treatments?. I have always used 1/2 vinegar and 1/2 alchohol to clean the ears of my pets as long as there is not an open wound etc. It is good for yeast. You can also use a half and half vinegar/water as a rinse on the pets coat for yeast. If the yeast infection in the ears is bad then you can use Monistat cream down in the ears just like you use when you get a feminine yeast infection .Benadryl(I use the generic and give 25mg. twice daily to my 70 pound dog) is good if your dog is itching. It will be a temporary help. I think if you google your dogs allergies there will be a lot of info out there that is natural and affordable. Maybe type in home remedies for dog allergies and see what comes up. I wish you the best of luck and really hope you all are able to keep your pet for all of your sakes.