I now have 6 yr old twins, born via emergency C-section. Kind of a planned ememrgency. Anyways, I did very well with the C-section, not having much pain and went back to work after 3 weeks. Always hated being inactive. Anyways, I am still numb. The thing that bothered me is I gained a bit of weight after the pregnancy related to complications in my uterus. My C-section healed fine, but my uterus was enlarged, muscles and tissues intertwined all wrong. Anyways, had uterus removed. But the weight gain caused the numbness to go from about 1 inch above the scar to almost 3 inches above the scar.
The doctor said that it is completely normal to have the numbness and I may never recover sensation in that area. To this day, my husband won't touch the numb area or the scar. They scar him. But I am happy to say that the scar is almost completely invisible