Ok, most states have agencies who do the classes and regulate the liscences for daycares, home care programs for the elderly, etc. I know when I wanted to become a liscenced home daycare provider/ preschool teacher I had to go do a 40 hour training and take a simple test through ours here as well as the prior state that I lived in. They also made the lists available to anyone who was looking for childcare, and these lists had any complaints, pending charges, or actions taken against the individual. In my state, the place to contact was the local dept of children and families. (DCF) You could just tell them that you are going to hire someone to come in and help care for your child in your home and want to look on their database for any complaints. They WILL help you. Also, there are many sites that charge much less to do background checks and once you pay, you can do several. I know one of them is called Spokeo.com, another is publicrecordschecks.com, and there is always people search.com . They do charge, but not for each search. Once you pay, you can search for a period of time as many people as you want. Please keep in mind though, until a person is caught and charged with a crime, they will not have anything show up on their records. Some people seem to forget this important fact. I am a BIG "go with your gut" kind of Mom. If it doesn't make you feel right or comfortable, then it probablt isn't. Also, there are many wonderful people out there who will be able to help out with you and your child. My best to you and good luck with your search!