The title to this question made me laugh. :) I think we've all been there before.
You can feel like ground hog day whether you're working or staying at home. It really just means that you're missing something in life. I know I'll sound like a total nerd to say this, but it is the truth, and it works for us:
We wrote out our needs (spiritual, physical, mental, emotional, social, financial, etc---whatever). Then by each one, we have a little game plan on what we're gonna do to foster that need in our life. As a mom, my "alone time" is very limited, so I have to cover a few things at the same time I get up early in the morning and read a little in my Bible while I drink some juice and wake up. Then I can go to the gym and walk the treadmill or ride the bike and either think about what I've just read, or listen to some good music, or listen to a teaching tape at the same time (covering my spirit/soul while also exercising my body). I pray in the shower. After the shower, everyone is up and the day starts, but I've taken care of some of my needs first, I'm not starting the day drained, so I have more to give. (Whether you're drained or not, with young kids, you're having to give out. So better to take care of yourself first, while everyone's asleep).
We have our normal things we always do like our normal morning, evening, and daily routines (work out, fix breakfasts, pack lunches, some basic daily chores, naptime, cooking, family dinner, etc), our weekly routines of things that come up every week (every Mon, Wed, Fri oldest goes to MDO, 2nd and 4th Mon: mops club, Tues: playground, storytime at the library, small fry club at McDonalds, Wed: am Ladies Bible study, pm awanas club for son, 1st and 3rd Thurs: playdate and lunch with 2 friends, Fri: soccer at 6, Sat: after early morning shopping for the whole week, it's family fun day (swimming, a picnic, musuems, a play, a movie, botanical gardens, a game, whatever), Sun: church and then hanging out with the neighbors if the weather is good; a bbq or family dinner, preparing for the rest of the week, mostly a home day. That is the normal stuff I can always count on.....stuff to get us out of the house). It's routine, but also something different every day so it's something to look forward to and think about, something to talk about at dinner together.
At the end of every month, I get the free magazine (or when I lived in TX I'd get the Suburban Parent magazine AND go to get whatever is available in your community) and go through the next month's events. Is there a play that sounds interesting? A concert, a special event at the local park, a free family night at a children's recreation center, etc? I take my calendar and write in pen the things that look fun that I will definately plan to do. The things that look interesting and like a "maybe", I will pencil in. Then if I feel bored and want to get out of the house that day, I can say "eh, how about a spontaneous trip to the____?"
We do have a date night once/month. We also switch children so that I have a special outing with my oldest while my husband does something with the youngest, and then another week we'll switch and I'll take the youngest and husband will take the oldest. And of course we have at least 1 outing a week as a family---this could be free stuff (mostly is) but very important to do stuff together! At my Bible study the church provides childcare and we have a study, then go for lunch or coffee afterwards (or volunteer somewhere). At mops club, we have special guests that speak at each meeting on different topics while the children are in the church's childcare, then we have a craft and talk and have a good time. Our playdates also provide time for us to let the kids play hard and then we either go to a family friendly restaurant or wear them out so they nap and we can have a potluck lunch and visit while the kids sleep. There's plenty of ways to meet your needs and have fun, you just have to do some thinking and planning ahead of time. Good luck to ya!