I don't know if a dermadoid cyst is similar or the same as a benign syst, I'm guessing it is. I had the pleasure of having two removed from my right ovary on Mothers' day (of all days!!) Last year. What they did was do a laperoscopy on it. My situation was very painful because one syst had already exploded and it was filled with blood instead of the usual fluid, so it released into my abdomen and was incredibly painful. So I went to the ER, and it took them awhile to figure out what the problem was. Anyway, a laperoscopy is pretty quick and simple, they sedate you and fill your belly up with gas, then they take a couple of little long-tubed cameras, and after making three incisions, one in your belly button, and two on your lower pelvis. Then they use the scopes to see as they remove the systs. In some cases, they have to remove the ovary, but its rare. The doctor I had said she would do everything in her power to keep that from happening, and she kept her word. Plan on being laid up for a couple of days to a week. The worst pain is the pain you get in your neck and back, as a reaction from the gas they use in your belly. But they give you plenty of good drugs, so just make sure you have someone to take care of you, and you should b efine in no time. I still have scars from my surgery, but my skin is very delicate. That will vary from person to person, but they are so low on my pelvis, it doesn't really bother me, and the other one is actually INSIDE my belly button, so it's pretty hard to see. Surgery can be scary, but this is a very easy one and I'm sure you'll be well taken care of. I hope this was helpful!