I had 2 at University downtown. I currently live about a 5 minute walk from there. The very large area around there is safe. It is not only a very large hospital on a large campus, but also the campus of Case Western and all the museums are there as well.
There is valet parking so all you do is pull up to the front and they take care of you from there. They park your car and make sure you are able to get to the maternity ward.
One thing I love is that it is connected to one of the best children's hospitals in the country. Most births everything is fine, but if there is a problem you are at the very best place around for you new baby to be taken care of. I read some other responses that people claim other hospitals in the area have the best, but I was confused. I have never seen that anywhere, and I couldn't find it when I looked. Do a little research on the best children's hospital, and the only one you will find in Cleveland area is Rainbow.
I should add perhaps that I have arrived at UH by myself. It was for an emergency D&C. My husband was out of state and my parents were with my boy. I got there just fine, they took care of my car, the staff was sympathetic and did what they could to make me comfortable and feel secure. They explained everything until I really felt like I knew what was going on. This was of course a bad situation, but I must speak highly of them on their care, and I arrived alone, which you expressed is of concern to you.
Best wishes