I went on Depo after my first was born, and was on it for 2 years without any problems. Then I had a miscarriage. I didn't know why. When I got pregnant again, everything went fine until about 35 weeks, and my doctor said I was too small. So I went in for an ultrasound to see what the problem was. My baby was born the day after the ultrasound and she was healthy, so we didn't worry about why she was early. Then with my 3rd baby, we did an other emergency ultrasound at 33 weeks, and my embryonic fluid was dangerously low, so we had an emergency induction that same day. Luckily I had received a hormone shot the week before to help develop the baby's lungs. She only had to stay in the NICU for a week. After looking back, I think it's all related to the Depo. I don't dare have another baby because of the risks of being even earlier. My youngest is now 3, and she's behind in her speech and gross motor skills. Anyway, that's my story.
H. B, Utah