a couple of suggestions:
1. Is she just waiting too long to go? Try sitting her on the potty every 30 minutes and having her try for 5 minutes to go. Tell her we have to take the time to try. Make it a chant or song.
2.Is she pushing your buttons? Do you freak out or take it calmly? Is she alone when she does this? If so, where are you? She could be doing it as an attention getter or saying she needs more Mommy time.
3. Is she truly ready for potty training. Just because she wants to, doesn't mean her body is ready. My son went through this and we had to go as far as wrapping duct tape around his diaper to keep it on, but EVERYTHIME he was in big boy pants he would pee right through and not seem to care or notice. He threw huge fits about wearing them, but in the end, I was tired of feeling frustrated and 6 months later when we tried again, he was accident free. I am not saying an accident now and then is not OK, but this was EVERYTIME. (though if she is taking them off first, it doesn't sound like unreadiness)
Try a tiny reward system. Like everytime she goes pee in the potty she gets two mini M&M's (but you need to use a potty and not a toilet or she will start telling you she has gone just to get the candy and you need to be certain so you are just doling out candy all day)
Best of luck!
A., in Taylorsville, MD