Are there children's anti bacteria hand wipes she can use? The colored foamy hand soap is another option. I often tell my 21/2 year old she has to or I will do it for her and she usually chooses to do things on her own.
Hi all,
I have an almost 3 year old daughter. We have been working on the potty training thing and although has it's bad days here and there is going pretty good. My concern is that she is all of a sudden refusing to wash her hands. I'm not sure how to handle it. She used to LOVE to wash her hands. We got her her own little step stool so she can reach the b/r sink and she would literally suds up for 15-20 minutes in there. Now she wants nothing to do with it. I've just been washing her hands with a washcloth now when she is done b/c she refuses to do it herself. Any ideas on how to get her to start doing it herself again?
Thanks for your help!
Are there children's anti bacteria hand wipes she can use? The colored foamy hand soap is another option. I often tell my 21/2 year old she has to or I will do it for her and she usually chooses to do things on her own.
try showing her pictures from an encyclopedia or something, or online, about what germs and microbes look like. This is what we did with our daughter around this age.
She's 3 years old, and you can explain things to her, and certainly, use explanations that are age appropriate.
With my girl, once we explained what and why washing hands are important, she TRULY understood, and then she realized. It made the concept tangible to her. She's a cerebral child, and this is the approach we use with her, because this is what works with her.
It could also be, that she is also potty training at the same time, and so she is focused on that skill...thus, too many things at one time can overwhelm them.
Or, perhaps simply ask her why she does not like to wash her hands? And see what she says.
If anything, hopefully the "phase" will pass soon enough. But yes, it is hygiene, so help her in the meantime.
good luck,
I used to tell my nephew that if he didn't wash the potty bugs off, we would have to go to the Dr to get them off so he wouldn't get sick. Good luck!
You could also have her pick out a favorite handsoap. Now there are so many soaps with characters on them, etc. I would just make sure it was a natural, non-toxic soap.
Best wishes,
With my son we bought him foamy green soap so he could see the suds everywhere and we always sing the ABC song or Happy Birthday so he washes them enough. You could also try taking turns and having her wash your hands and you wash hers. I think just tackling the potty training is a major achievement!!
Good advice! Choose potty training over hand washing right now. Just help her wash her hands. You also have a new baby in the home, and she might want to get a little more attention, even though she gets plenty. One thing at a time!
First thought is that maybe one hand washing might have been too hot or something that scared her off this once loved activity. Then I would try all the fun little kid soap to see if this helps, but in the meantime stick with the anitbacterial wipes and gels. I am the single mom of three (8,3,2) and some times you just fast what works the best and is the easiest to maintain some peace in the home :) God bless you and your family and remember that this too shall pass (onto something else)
handwashing song to the tune of Row, Row, Row your Boat
Wash, wash, wash your hands
wash the germs away
rub and scrub
scrub and rub
germs go down the drain
Another idea I've done with preschoolers.
Let her cover her hands in flour (germs), shake off excess. Let her walk around and touch things to see wear the "germs" go. After a bit, have her wash hands the way she normally would (without your help) to see how many "germs" are still there. Then demonstrate the proper way to wash. Chldren should wash at least 30 seconds-enough time to sing Twinkle, twinkle or the abc's.
You can also hang different pictures on the mirror for her to look at while she washes up. By some of that foamy soap.