Hi M.,
I will give you a quote from my daughter's pediatrician. "Now that Reeanna is immunized the only thing that will KILL her at this point is an accident." If you need back up have your pediatrician talk to your husband. My mother didn't use a car seat when I was a baby, but it is required by law now. I am still alive, though I didn't have a car seat as a child, but there is enough evidence to persuade a whole country of law makers to require car seats. How well would your husbands line sit with an officer who should witness your child without a car seat. I think the officer might chuckle as he were to hand cuff him, with charges of child endangerment. :o)
If someone were to tell me that child proofing a home was unnecessary, I would assume they were joking and laugh histerically.
Kind Regards,