tear ducts overflow to the nose. so anyone who cries enough should get the whole snotty nose thing.
First, sorry if I am asking much today, I really should be packing right now but I had a migraine today and I took some exedrin and I always had tons of questions but I think the caffeine makes me worst, lol.
Anyway, after reading about a post talking about crying and bubbles in nose (lol), I wonder, do all of you "buggy" when you cry?
I do, and it is awful, lol.
Lie yesterday in the movies, I start crying and is like water comes from everywhere, well not "everywhere" that would be just to gross, lol. Lucky me, we had popcorn and so we had napkins.
I have see my husband cry 3 times, and in none of them he had even a tiny bugger!
Is this a women think, because if it does I would be piss, come on, isn't enough that they don't have periods, very few cellulites, almost never hear about them having menopause (I don't remember the name for the men's menopause)
Oh and then what about cry&buggers with our kids, how many times your little kids, or no so little come crying after they hurt themselfs or are sad and there you have tears and buggers all over you, and we don't mind, is that love or what?!
Cry&buggers, what you have to say about that?lol
tear ducts overflow to the nose. so anyone who cries enough should get the whole snotty nose thing.
Yes I do. my intervention was yesterday and I had tears and snot and buggies all over i didnt care. now i look back and can see how nuts i really look yesterday. with the snot and the tears and the gross'ness.
It is like that everytime. It was just my most recent tear time. I have seen my hubby cry once and heard it over the phone the other time...he is a booger guy to. he starts tearing and his nose starts going and it is down hill from.
I need this today:)
My guy cries all the time, calls himself A Chick With A Dick (sorry to offend).
Kids and boogers go hand and hand, and I am pleased to announce that after nearly 2 decades with snot constantly wiped on various parts of my body and clothing from many many children, I am completely Mucus Free! It'll happen to you, too, I promise!!
(Course I am blowing my own nose about a zillion times a day, and have to check the mirror real quick to makes sure there were no strays, tehehe)